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Newton’s Grove School

Newton’s Grove School is a private school in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Size Location Founded
11-50 employees Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 1977

Newton’s Grove School was in a period of transition. When OCS began working with the school, they were simply known as Mississauga Private School. With construction on their new state-of-the-art campus getting close to completion, the school realized it needed a new name and visual identity to commemorate its rebirth.

OSC worked in partnership with the advertising agency, Barrett & Welsh, to establish a creative template that would inform the school’s new name and brand positioning. From the beginning, we knew that the new campus would be located in an old apple orchard. This created an opportunity for us to explore ways to position the brand to reflect the new campus location and future growth.

The result was a direct connection to Sir Isaac Newton with the name Newton’s Grove School. This name embodied a place of knowledge, strength and growth; a place of discovery where coming together helps nurture and cultivate education.

The logo we developed was modern but timeless, visually merging three design elements comprised of an apple tree, a light bulb and a collaborative round table. The new name and identity have been unanimously embraced by staff and students, alumni and the community alike.

Brand Positioning

Kids grow here.


  • Concept & Creative Direction
  • Strategic Positioning & Implementation
  • Branding
  • Name Generation
  • Visual Identity
  • Print
  • Signage
  • Apparel Graphics
  • Production

School photographic images courtesy of Newton’s Grove School.