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Canadian Icons Project

Don Dixon is one of Canada’s leading photographers over the past thirty years.

Team Location Founded
10 San Francisco, California, USA 2011

Don has spanned the globe, working magic with his camera to capture extraordinary people, places and events. In his own, quiet way, he has been an ambassador for the country he will always call home.

Don conceived of the Canadian Icons Project to acknowledge and celebrate Canada’s diversity, creativity, and achievements. His goal was a photographic/multimedia archive showcasing Canada’s most accomplished citizens. A not-for-profit endeavour, once complete the projects will be a national legacy for generations.

OSC was honoured to be hand-selected to contribute to the Canadian Icons creative platform. We knew the identity needed to capture the key components representing this endeavour; a collection of portrait photography and film interviews with Canada’s noteworthy icons.

OSC designed a strikingly simple icon that visually captured a moment on camera and film. This represents the significant point in time that plays an integral part in embracing and chronicling Canada’s most accomplished citizens. These design characteristics were reflected throughout all print and online communications.


“Chris has been a key driving force behind the Canadian Icons Project since its inception.

The knowledge and experience he brings to the table in branding and design including the strategic direction keeps us focused on our principal objectives for the Icon Project.

As a natural team player, he is always prepared to roll up his sleeves to get the job done. Chris has the amazing ability to cut through the confusion and bring clarity and simplicity to his timeless ideas.

His keen understanding of technology and hands-on ability have made it possible for us to have fluid communication in both digital assets and print communications.

Put simply, without Chris’s drive and leadership, there would be no Canadian Icons Project.”

Don Dixon Director, Canadian Icons Project, San Francisco, California, USA

Brand Positioning

Capturing the spirit of a nation.


  • Concept & Creative Direction
  • Strategic Positioning & Implementation
  • Workshops
  • Branding
  • Name Generation
  • Visual Identity
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Print
  • Website & Social Media Strategies
  • Smartphone App Design
  • Storyboarding & Animation
  • Production